Monthly Archives: January 2012

…Diplomatic Passport Office

Thanks to the speedy folks in the Dip Passport office we’ve already received Lil’ Adventure’s new passport in record time. We dropped it off at the passport receiving office at the county courthouse last Thursday, and voila, here it arrived early this morning, less than a full week later!

Pretty amazing.


Been wondering why I’ve been off the radar so long? 

This is why: 

7 weeks of pre-delivery medivac in Florida, marked by an excessive amount of garage sale-ing, consignment shopping, thrift store hopping and layette preparing. There are not really many options for baby items in Dhaka, and I’ve been trying to build up a year’s worth of “product,” clothes, toys, etc. to keep baby in style, or at least health. Of course, as a new mom, I have no idea what I need of what’s useful, so my choices may be completely off. Thank goodness for amazon, but we can’t really ship liquids, so I think I may have over-shopped on those. 

A little less than a week of hospital and post-baby delierium.

A week of bouncing up and down, trying to learn the ropes as a anxious, sleepless, happy new mommy. 

Thank goodness that Mr. A was able to be here, I can’t imagine doing all the crazy things we need to do on my own. Between paperwork, doctor’s appointments, shushing and late night feedings, I’d be lost without him.

We’re planning our trip back to Dhaka now, and I’m totally overwhelmed by the list of things to do.

Wish us luck!